Words To “Dax Depression Lyrics”

dax depression lyric

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Deep down, I’m feeling very depressed.

It feels like a big weight on my chest and I can’t let go.

I can feel these demons inside me pulling me apart.

I’m lost in the dark and unable to find my way back.


I can’t seem to shake the grip that depression has on me.

Still, I’m going to fight and not let it define who I am.

I will return despite the anguish and the tears.

My friend, I will overcome depression and not allow it to win.

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The weight of the world seems too much for me to bear.

It seems like no one gives a damn, and every day is difficult.

I feel alone all around me like there’s never enough rain.

However, I’m going to keep going forward and not give up.


I can’t seem to shake the grip that depression has on me.

Still, I’m going to fight and not let it define who I am.

I will return despite the anguish and the tears.

My friend, I will overcome depression and not allow it to win.


I’ll look for the light on the darkest of nights.

I will do everything in my power to cling to hope.

Even if the journey is difficult and the route may be lengthy

I’m going to keep going and not give up.


I can’t seem to shake the grip that depression has on me.

Still, I’m going to fight and not let it define who I am.

I will return despite the anguish and the tears.

My friend, I will overcome depression and not allow it to win.


Thus, if the darkness isn’t going away and you’re feeling lost

Remember that you’re not alone, and don’t be scared.

We’ll overcome together and make it through.

We will overcome depression; it will not define who we are.

Meaning of dax depression lyrics

Dax’s song “Depression” explores the singer’s personal battles with mental illness in its lyrics. The lyrics’ message is a direct and sincere depiction of the crippling effects of depression. With the intention of raising listeners’ awareness and fostering empathy, Dax uses his strong voice to illuminate the darkness that surrounds those who are suffering from this illness. The song’s lyrics serve as a helpful reminder that depression is a serious condition that needs help and understanding.